Interactive short dramas, extraordinary theatre scenes, intensive self-awareness and unusual educational experiences – complemented by a cultural supporting programme.

With the tenth DRAMA GAMES FESTIVAL Waldritter is continuing its annual series of events that focus on the joy of interaction, drama and highly emotional experiences around a wide variety of topics: DRAMA GAMES.


will take place this year from 12 – 15 December 2024
at the Educational Spaceship in Herten, Germany.

As in previous years, there will be various slots where people can meet to play a drama game together and are in dialogue with various game designers and instructors, but are also open to game offers from the participants.

There is also plenty of room for fun or creative “festival” activities in addition to the drama games, such as music, dancing, board games, drinking Fanta or cocktails… there are no limits to the imagination.

In general, it is important to us that families or parents with children also have the opportunity to take part together and feel welcome.