What is the Drama Games Festival ?
Short, interactive role-playing formats with a learning or educational character, which we call drama games, give the festival its name and characterise its content. However, (mini) edularps, learning scenarios or simulations would also be appropriate terms. In other words, interactive game formats that attempt to approach certain personal, social or historical topics through the embodiment of roles, scenic game mechanics or an artistic-spatial experience. The combination of jointly agreed rules, creative or conflict-orientated role play and a joint evaluation of the content creates intensive experiences and enables new perspectives or emotional approaches to previously less considered topics. The tone of the games is sometimes silly, sometimes profound, sometimes co-operative and sometimes confrontational – but above all always a shared experience and an encounter between people at eye level.

The thematic leitmotif this year is “Visions of the future” –
This can be found in the themes of the Drama Games, but also in the talks and discussions.

At the Drama Game Festival you can:

  • Get to know (new) Drama Games/ Edularps
  • Present your own Drama Games/ Edularps
  • Get an introduction to Edularp as a method
  • Try out ideas that arise spontaneously
  • Play other games in the open programme (board games, escape games, mini larps for fun, …)
  • Meet nice, open and fun-loving people
  • Spend a cosy weekend away from the usual hustle and bustle just before Christmas
  • Bring your family and children
  • Celebrate, dance, make music

The Drama Game takes place from 12-15 December in the
Waldritter Education.Spaceship (Ewaldstr. 20, 45699 Herten – Germany).

Accommodation is offered in shared rooms in the Herten educational centre – a simple meal including water is included. Additional drinks are available on site at cost price.

For our international guests: There might be some games that are announced or played only in german –
we will offer at least one game slot in english, but most of the game runners are really nice, so don’t dare to ask, if you are interested to join a game and we’ll try our best to bring you in.

We see ourselves as a family-friendly festival, which is why children and young people under the age of 12 can participate free of charge – even if many drama games may be less suitable, there are good alternatives for younger visitors with the Ludothek and jointly organised kids’ activities.

We will put together and offer a colourful selection of drama games – but we also hope that we have motivated participants and will approach game masters in advance so that there will be a broad basic offer for each programme block. However, game leaders and participants can also make spontaneous appointments on site (especially in the evening area) and thus enrich the programme individually. We are also happy to create spaces for other games and provide you with any materials you may need. Please let us know when you register if you are thinking of contributing something to the programme so that we can plan ahead.

In addition to “finished” games and ready-to-play games, we also want to offer a space to exchange ideas on certain topics, games or concepts, to try out or discuss things that may only exist in a beta version. These topics and game approaches can come from you or result in part from the work of “LarpwriterSummercamp authors” and from the “Edu-Larp Network”. Your opinion and willingness to experiment are called for here – let us know if you would like to bring along a game experiment.

We know that it will probably not be possible to organise a continuous offer, especially for smaller children. Nevertheless, there are a few interesting play approaches that are suitable for children. We try to react flexibly to family situations and involve as many big and small guests as possible – further ideas and offers are of course very welcome.

Sometimes it’s just nicer to do things together than alone – this can be chatting, playing board games or baking biscuits, mixing cocktails together or dancing together, listening to music or watching films… there are no limits to the imagination here. We bring a few ideas to the festival – but are always open to other (spontaneous) ideas and events 😉

How much does it cost to take part in the event?

Participation in the Drama Games Festival 2024 costs

155€ for participation in the entire festival
reduced price : 75€ (for people with lesser income; on a trust basis)
285€ sponsor ticket – additionally supports participation for people that are low on budget
Accompanied children and young people under the age of 12 participate free of charge

Click here to register

I still have a question…
We will be happy to help you. Just get in touch with us.